Find out information about our healthcare services. If there is anything you cannot find, please contact the surgery. Priory Medical Group is based in North Shields with branches in Percy Street, Tynemouth and Hadrian Park, Wallsend.
If you're unsure whether your problem requires an urgent, same day appointment, you can use 111 online or to find out more.
If you do need an urgent appointment please call the surgery as early as possible on 0191 257 0223.
Our trained admin team will ask briefly about your problem. Please don't be offended as they are trying to find out how best to help you. They can then arrange for the on-call team to contact you and organise a same day appointment if necessary.
Call 0191 257 0223 for an Urgent Same Day Appointment
Standard Appointment
Call us to book for standard appointment with a Nurse, Doctor or other healthcare professional. These can be a choice of Face-to-Face or telephone depending on your preference.
Alternatively you can use the NHS App to book appointments online for those that are available for online booking.
If you wish to book an appointment via systm one - please click the link 'book using our online booking system'
Telephone Appointment
You can have a telephone conversation with the doctor if you feel you do not need to see the doctor face to face.
Need advice from your doctor, self-help information or have an administrative request (such as a sick note or test results)? You can use the Econsult system during practice opening hours and get a response before the end of the next working day.
The easiest way to order a prescription is electronically via the NHS App. If you are unsure how to use the NHS App go to for support and instructions on how to get set up.
If you wish to use systm one, please click the 'order online' link in the repeat prescription section below.
Allow 48 hours for any electronic prescriptions to be processed by us and the Pharmacy.
These can be ordered online, via the NHS App, or by bringing or sending your repeat list into the surgery and ticking the items required. You can request that your prescription is sent directly to a local pharmacy of your choice.
If you wish to order a prescription via systm one, please click the link 'order online'
Our new medication query line is open 10.30-12.30 & 1.30-3.30 via 0191 257 0223 option 3, however we will not accept repeat prescription requests on this line.
If you would like to register as a patient please: - Check that you live within our practice boundary - Complete a GMS-1 Form
Hand in the completed forms at one of our receptions with proof of address. Photo ID will help us to speed up the process and request your medical records.
We are hoping to launch a new service to allow self registration on-line which will be much quicker and convenient. Please check back for updates.
Want advice from your doctor, self-help information or have an administrative request (such as a fit/sick note or test results)? You can use eConsult during practice working hours and get a response before the end of the next working day.
If you have been invited by the cervical screening programme or the practice, then please contact reception who will book you into one of our dedicated nurse smear clinics.
Alternatively, there are also appointments available for smears on evenings and weekends at the North Shields Health Hub which is located behind our Hawkeys Lane Surgery in the old Priory Day Hospital building.
The easiest way to get online access to your medical record is via the NHS App. Once you have downloaded the NHS App you can request access to your coded medical record by contacting the practice.
Are you newly pregnant? Refer yourself directly to the Community Midwifery Team. Visit the website below and this will notify the midwifery team who will contact you to arrange your first appointment
If you have a new muscle or joint problem, please ask to see our 'First Contact Physio' when you ring reception to book an appointment. Our FCPs are based within the surgery and offer very quick access appointments. You may have to wait a few extra days to be seen, but you will be seen by the most appropriate professional.
You can also self refer to North Tyneside Integrated Musculoskeletal team (NTIMS):
The self-referral form is accessible via their updated webpage where patients can also access a wide range of self-care guidance.
You should self certify for the first 7 days of an illness. Your employer may ask you to fill in some paperwork.
If you are unwell for more than 7 days you may require a Fit note/Sick note. The doctor will need to have assessed you either through an appointment or after reviewing hospital correspondence before they can do a Fit note. If you fulfil these criteria and require a note, the easiest way of requesting this is by doing an e consult (see online tools section).
You can also ring reception on 0191 257 0223 to request a Fit note.
We recommend and direct patients to private travel health providers such as Boots and Superdrug. Here they will assess which vaccines and precautions one needs to take according to which country they plan to visit. Some of these vaccines are available on the NHS if you are due a booster e.g. Tetanus. You can find out your vaccination status by checking the NHS app or asking reception for a copy of your vaccination record. If you are eligible for a booster of a standard NHS vaccine then our nurses will be able to provide this.
A carer is anyone who provides unpaid care for a friend or family member who due to an illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without support (Carers Trust). Essentially, the person you care for cannot complete daily tasks without your help, which makes them somewhat dependent upon you. It is vital to note that ANYONE can be a carer, there is such a variation in this population, so do not count yourself out on the basis of age. Young carers are children and young people aged 5-18, and adult carers are 18 and above.
How can I access support as a carer?
At Priory we work alongside North Tyneside Carers' Centre to ensure our practice is 'carer friendly'. This service offers a confidential advice and information package, with Advice Workers available from Monday to Friday (10am-4pm) who will be open to discuss your situation with you and help you resolve any immediate issues. To contact them please call: 0191 249 6480 or email: Additionally, Priory has an assigned Carers Champion who will be able to signpost you to further support options, to get in touch, please email:
Recent media attention and campaigns about Prostate cancer have resulted in an increase in requests from worried men asking to have their PSA checked. Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is a blood test which may be raised in some cases of prostate cancer, and also benign prostate conditions. It is not a perfect test, hence it is not currently part of a national screening programme. It may miss some cancers. If you are over 50 and wish to have your PSA checked, please contact reception. They will ask you to read more about the pros and cons of the test by looking at the following website and they will then contact your GP:
The blood test can then be arranged. Please seek medical attention if you develop symptoms at any time, even if you have had a recent 'normal' PSA test. Further examination and referral may still be required.
Want advice from your doctor, self-help information or have an administrative request (such as a sick note or test results)? You can use the eConsult online system and get a response before the end of the working day or sooner.
You can now see a NHS GP (not your GP) by video using Livi. Get medical advice, prescriptions and referrals on the same day – both on weekdays and at weekends. The service is via and app and is provided free on the NHS.
The NHS app allows you to book and manage GP appointments, access health records, get repeat prescriptions, get health advice and manage your organ donation.
Airmid is a new patient-facing mobile app that is available to download on both IOS and Android devices. Airmid utilises the NHS Login service which allows users to access different health and care apps with only one set of login details. This means that if a user has already downloaded and signed into either the NHS app or the Covid-19 app, they can use the same login details to access Airmid.
North Shields
Opening Times
8:30am to 6pm
8:30am to 6pm
8:30am to 6pm
8:30am to 6pm
8:30am to 5:30pm
Occasional opening only e.g. Flu clinics
Out of Hours
Should you need to contact a GP after the surgery has closed please contact NHS 111. Calls from mobiles and landlines are free.
In a genuine emergency you should call 999. Chest pains and / or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.
Urgent Treatment Centre
There is a local Urgent Treatment Centre at:
North Tyneside General Hospital Rake Lane, North Shields, NE29 8NH
Walk-in access available 8am to midnight every day
If you have an urgent medical concern outside these hours, call NHS 111
For urgent matters between 5.30 pm and 6.30 pm please call the surgery on 0191 257 0223 and your call will be transferred to the on call doctor.
Not sure what to do Dial 111 this is a 24 hour service
Life Threatening Emergency Call 999 for an ambulance, or Visit Accident and Emergency (A&E) - Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital in Cramlington or the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle.
Urgent But Not life threatening Go to the Urgent Care Centre, Rake Lane. North Tyneside General Hospital, Rake Lane, North Shields, NE29 8NH Or minor injuries unit at the Royal Victoria Infirmary.
Self help
Mind - Tyneside and Northumberland
Support for people with mental health problems and those supporting someone with a mental health issue. Support Line available 8am-10pm 7 days a week for those over the age of 16. Call: 0191 477 4545 or 0330 1743 174. Email:
Day or night, for anyone who’s struggling to cope, Samaritans’ will listen without judgement or pressure. At a moment of crisis or to prevent a crisis we have trained people to help.
Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team – Northumberland and North Tyneside
Mental health staff, including nurses, social workers, psychiatrists and pharmacy staff give assessment and home treatment for people over 16 experiencing a mental health crisis.
Welcome to Healthier Together NENC – a great place to find accurate and trusted NHS healthcare advice in the North East and North Cumbria. All the information on this site has been checked by clinicians, to ensure we offer the best advice for parents, carers, young people and health professionals. You can find everything from pregnancy tips and advice on poorly babies to 'should my child go to school today?' or emotional wellbeing for young people, and we're regularly adding new topics. If you find the site helpful take a look at the Healthier Together app, search for 'healthier together' in your usual app store